Development is on-going in Ward 1 Brantford, this means that many natural lands are at risk for being developed. These articles are created to spread awareness, and show the city we care. In doing so hopefully many of the beautiful areas can be preserved for future generations rather than being completely destroyed.
Ward 1 in Brantford currently has many areas that are going to be developed. This image here shows the locations at risk based on development phases and companies developing the areas.
Many of these locations are farmlands that have already been prepared for house construction. However, there are some areas that contain individual trees (mainly solo standing trees in farm fields), small green-space areas (small areas with numerous trees), and even large green-space areas (forests).
The purpose of talking about this to attempt and save as many of these green-space areas as possible, both large and small. On this website there will be numerous articles covering these areas and the planned development for them (if any at the point of writing). By writing this article my attempt is to spread as much awareness as possible, in doing so we can get people to sign a petition to show that people care about the nature and wildlife in these areas.
There are also numerous areas just outside of Brantford that will be at risk for development in the future, so I will cover those areas as will in the future in the hopes to help keep them too.